Special visitors from NSDA Architects and Innovative Housing Consultants who have worked with Co:Here from the very start.

Tim Dickau, Church for Vancouver: Last Thursday (June 30) Grandview Calvary Baptist Church hosted a ground-breaking event for the Co:Here Housing Community project – a four-storey affordable housing complex with 26 self-contained units.

June 30th was the official groundbreaking ceremony for Co:Here. The event was held at Grandview Calvary Baptist Church and the development site.

Flyn Ritchie, Church for Vancouver: A couple of years ago, neighbours reacted vigorously against the city’s Grandview-Woodland Community Plan which, in their view, involved too little consultation and proposed too much density and too many high buildings, especially near the Commercial-Broadway SkyTrain Station.
CMHC & BC Housing News Release: A new affordable housing development under construction in East Vancouver will increase options for those who are homeless or at risk of homelessness, while providing a unique approach to supportive housing.

Wondering what’s being built on the south-west corner of East 1st Avenue & Victoria Drive? Co:Here signs with information and beautiful illustrations by Andrea Armstrong have now been installed.