What we do
Co:Here provides not-for-profit development consulting services to faith-based organizations seeking to unlock the latent affordable housing potential in their land assets.
Co:Here inspires, empowers and guides faith-based organizations to develop mission-driven and community-centred affordable housing.
Co:Here envisions the transformation of underutilized parking lots and aging places of worship into affordable housing embedded in thriving faith communities.
Co:Here’s approach
Churches and other not-for-profit organizations with land are facing increasing pressure to make real estate decisions. Co:Here seeks to provide an alternative to selling land or engaging a market developer.
Drawing on our expertise and experience in affordable housing development and faith-based organizations, Co:Here aims to come alongside, build capacity, and help faith communities realize a real-estate vision that aligns with their larger vision.
How we work
Co:Here is a not-for-profit organization. Our funding model is designed to lower the financial barrier for faith communities to access professional development expertise at the beginning of their journeys.
Curious, or want to know more? We are always happy to connect!
Our values
Co:Here seeks to:
- Inspire – Because faith communities need to believe they can build affordable housing.
- Empower – Because our communities need an alternative force to disrupt the market forces creating status quo housing.
- Build Trust – Because faith-based organizations need an advisor who has their best interests at heart.
- Guide – Because faith-based organizations currently lack a reliable guide with the experience and expertise to navigate a complicated process.
- Collaborate – Because our communities are full of gifts, and we need to come together to achieve this common vision.