From Church Parking Lot to Groundbreaking Housing Community
By Derek Witten
Regent World
Co:Here Housing Community Pursues Deep Equality across Socio-Economic Barriers – Clean from hard drugs for two years and living in the brand new Co:Here Housing Community, Todd K’s[i] journey of recovery has been long. He began drinking heavily at fifteen, and was living on the streets of Vancouver with a crack cocaine addiction by twenty-two. He describes the pattern he fell into: “I went through ten or twelve years of this cycle: detoxes, recovery houses, treatment centres, relapse, detox recovery houses treatment centres, relapse. It became very enabling in my life to do that.” In 2004—the year he found out he was HIV positive—things started to change. Hungry, he walked through the doors of Jacob’s Well …
READ THE FULL STORY: From Church Parking Lot to Groundbreaking Housing Community