Alot of activity at the Co:Here construction site and progress on the fourth floor.
Alot of activity at the Co:Here construction site and progress on the fourth floor.
Learn about applying for Co:Here by clicking on this link to the Salsbury Community Society webpage … Apply for Co:Here
A year ago, Tim Dickau shared the story about Grandview Calvary Baptist Church (GCBC) and Co:Here at the Regent Exchange: Churches and The Housing Crisis. Watch the video by clicking here.
Today’s peek at the Co:Here building site. A sunny day and progress on the third floor.
Today’s peek behind the fence. The framing is going up fast and the second floor is almost completed.
In case you missed this in December. The Streetohome Winter 2016 Newsletter featuring Todd, JustWork, Grandview Calvary Baptist Church, Salsbury and Co:Here. Click here to read the Streetohome Winter 2016 Newsletter
Happy new year! Alot of progress over the past month building Co:Here. Today’s peek behind the fence.
Our matching campaign on Chimp is now complete! We are so very grateful for the many donors that made this happen and Friends of Co:Here who provided $100,000 of matching money. Although our matching campaign is complete, we have $370,000 left to raise to complete our capital campaign of $11.9 million. Please consider making a donation and if you would like to discuss large gifts, please contact Bradley Bartsch at 778-991-7870 or bradleyb@coherehousing.com. Warm wishes…
Help us finish off our donation match campaign on Chimp before the end of the year. We have just $1,390 left of our $50,000 match and your donation DOUBLES thanks to Friends of Co:Here.